Warp Drive Sunday: Oct 6 – Oct 12

GUYS, something absolutely magical happened this week. See, I’d requested for a bunch of books from HC like, MONTHS ago (since July), and finally, on Wednesday, they approved me. But not only that! They auto-approved me for all their other titles as well. When I realized that, I was literally frozen with shock. And then I proceeded to go do a super happy dance because OMG. EDELWEISS. I’M HATED ON THERE. AND I’VE BEEN AUTO-APPROVED FOR HC TITLES EHMARGERD! It’s really exciting because many of the books I really want to read are going to be published by Harper, and I’ll actually get to read them instead of seeing that nasty red “x” next to my request! 

You go, HC!

What’s gone on this week, Captain?

Book Updates

Wake Up MissingBackward GlassParasite (Parasitology, #1)

Finished Wake Up Missing by Kate Messner
Currently reading Backward Glass by David Lomax
Up next Parasite by Mira Grant

Notable Expeditions

Before I go on and list down all the super interesting discussion posts this week, let me take this time to share with you an AMAZING tweet from Tom Felton that totally made my day. Voila!



The winner for September’s Reap is Aman, from Enticed by Books! Aman will be receiving a signed hardback of Not A Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis — congratulations! For the rest who entered but didn’t win, don’t worry, I have another awesome giveaway coming for October, and this time, it’ll be international. 😀

What about you?

Tell me all about your week, you guys! And no, I swear I’m not a stalker. I’m just… a very concerned friend. (Lol, that makes me sound creepy.) Also, after a couple of emails full of CAPs and exclamation marks, Shelly from Shelly’s Rambles and I have come up with an idea: review battles in vlog form! Would anyone be interested in this? If so, let me know — it’d be a cool way to express our opinions, methinks!

20 thoughts on “Warp Drive Sunday: Oct 6 – Oct 12

  1. Yay! Great to see that you got auto approved 🙂 It took ages for me as well… Anywho, I hope you love Parasite, it was amazing >,<

    Happy reading, Meg! <33

  2. I believe I was also auto-approved, but I never got a message about it. I just went crazy with downloading Harper titles, because they publish the best books. So, congrats that you were auto-approved as well! I don’t have much luck on Edelweiss most of the times :p

    Parasite is goooohoood!

    Awh, Tom Felton’s tweet it is adorable 😀 I miss them too, I’ve been feeling very Harry Potter-ish lately. Hence my exploding Harry Potter pins on Pinterest, haha.

    My week wasn’t bad. I finally got my result from my first exam (two weeks ago) and I passed! The weather has been terrible and I’m now trying to study for my upcoming exam and I don’t understand ANYTHING, haha. So, yeah. I’m going to check out all the links you’ve listed 😀

  3. Dude you creep! haha kidding. I had a pretty boring week apart from the anatomy drowning previously mentioned in an email 😛
    AND YES HARPERCOLLINS. After months of ignoring and declines, it’s so awesome to get auto-approved 😀 😀 So congrats to us both!
    OMG PARASITE IS AMAZING. Much science abounds.
    How does this review battle thing work? Does it have to be people with conflicting views on the book and then they battle it out? I’d be interested if I have time!

  4. OMFG AHH, HARPER COLLINS!!!!! I seriously adore anything made my HC so you better read all the new lovelies and review them!! Ok just kidding, only read what you want! So excited to see what you think of Parasite, it seems AMAZING! I am very excited now as you can see *deep breath* My week was pretty OK except I had so much bloggish things going on (Rainbow Rowell book signing & the first vlog,etc.) I feel like this is the part in which comments get TOO long so I’ll just say

  5. Aww congrats Meg 😀 😀 They’ve been auto-approving a lot of people lately haha, HC still unfortunately hates me but ah well, it just means I can nearly clear out my eARC pile yeah!! 😛

    TOM FELTONNNNN, he’s the sweetest omg, I didn’t really take a liking to him until Half Blood Prince :3

    Oooo review vlog battles sound interesting! I have no idea how they would go down xD

  6. The same thing happened to me with HarperCollins! For awhile I had to check every few hours on Edelweiss to make sure the green button was there and they didn’t realize they had made a mistake and didn’t mean to approve me, haha. Congrats!

  7. I did an Edelwiess happy dance too! HC was nice to a lot of bloggers last week 🙂 Parasite!! I want to read it so much! My week was… work, work, read, work this week, so pretty much blah, expect for the books of course, but if everything goes right next week should be fun 😉

  8. Woo hoo! That is fantastic. I am so happy for you!

    I haven’t read any of the books on your update, but after browsing through the comments, I’m thinking I need to add Parasite to my TBR pile.

    I love all of those pumpkin carvings. I really want to try one, but I can’t narrow it down! Guess I will just have to do them all then.

    Nothing too exciting is going on with me. School will be keeping me more than busy next week, but whatever. I got books to read.

    I would love to see how review battles would work. Would you be reviewing different books and convincing viewers as to which one is the better read? It certainly sounds interesting and fun.

  9. Congratulations on the auto-approval! I’ve heard Harper are such a tough publisher to be approved by so that’s awesome! 😀 I’ve only requested five titles from Edelweiss but I don’t seem to have much luck with it at all. I tend to have more chance of being approved on Netgalley. Enjoy all your new shiny ARCs! 😀

  10. Aww Malfoy ❤ ! and congrats on getting auto approved from HarperCollins! I'm hated on EW too don't worry lol. I almost always get rejected on there. HC also accepted the books I requested from July too! But I don't think they auto approved me.

  11. Meg, let’s do some fistbumps, headbumps and toebumps please because I also got auto-approved by HC. I just couldn’t believe it and the most amazing fact is, I didn’t know it until today. I’ve made a lot of requests around July and when they failed to respond after a month, I already accepted the truth that big publishers really hated me. Just imagine the surprise I got when I saw the tiny green checks against the HC titles. But during that time, I only thought that only my requests were approved. I didn’t know that I can already access all the HC titles until Nara brought it up. I checked my EW account today and OMG, my soul had just floated out from my body to do a euphoric dance. Reading Frenzy + Unlimited HC titles= Very very bad.

    Now, before I bore you with a lot of praises for HC, let’s move on to another topic. Are you a Tom Felton fan? Hahahaha. I loved that family pic. It seriously brought a lot of memories promise. HP HP HP, will I ever break free from your clutches? And good luck to the intl giveaway. I am looking forward to that because it’s my goal to win a giveaway, Meg. If only there’s a way to hack rafflecopter. *evil grin*

    And wow to the vlog form review battles. I hope my internet connection would really improve when that time comes, Meg. I don’t want to miss out on the fun. Huhuhuh.

    Thanks for the shoutout once again, Meg. 😀

  12. Yeah for auto approval!!! So happy for you 🙂 Now no sleep Meg, just read 🙂 So many things happened around the blogsphere this week unfortunately I missed a lot. I need to catch up again. I love the idea of vlog battles and I cannot wait to see how that looks. I’m not comfortable speaking in English in front of all you well spoken English people ;)) Great post 🙂

  13. WOOT WOOT CONGRATZ ON THE AUTO APPROVAL!! 😀 Haha, HC still hates me, but well, I guess I should just look at the bright side. At least I can keep my TBR in control haha xD

    OMG Parasite is creepily awesome! I hope you’ll manage to hang on because the beginning is super duper slow and hell there are lots LOTS of scientific terms but the second half is leagues better!! I can’t wait to read your thoughts ^^

  14. Congrats on the auto-approve! That’s so exciting. I’m only auto-approved for a few smaller publishers, but it’s still very exciting. I read Parasite last week, and it’s creepy in a good way.

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