About the Blog

Adrift on Vulcan is a combination of some things I love: outer space, Star Trek (the 2009 and 2013 movies), Harry Potter, and The Hunger Games, and YA. This blog features several things, with reviews and discussion posts as its main focus. Err… and did I mention that those discussions tend to turn into one-person rants/ramblings?

I started blogging to help share the love and passion I have for all things bookish with people who actually know what it feels like to be emotionally drained by a book, or to enter a reading slump! (My friends and family think my book obsession is becoming a problem.) So, Adrift on Vulcan is basically an outlet for me to vent, talk, and discuss.

Before starting this blog, I blogged for a year and a few months at Ink Skies with my former co-blogger, Chri. (You can find her at Fathomless — she’s got a stunning blog design!)

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me! I’m super friendly, I promise. 😉

Wondering what those gifs/pictures at the bottom of each post are all about? Well, I wanted some way to let me readers know that I appreciate and love them so much for stopping by and commenting, so these little things help me do that! Pictures paint a thousand words, after all.