Warp Drive Sunday: Sept 1 – Sept 7

It’s great to be back blogging again, and I’m really beginning to enjoy WordPress – even if the free version’s more limiting than Blogger. Still, it’s refreshing to try something new, so I’m glad I moved! Also, I turned sixteen on Tuesday! It’s kind of intimidating to know that I’m only four years away from leaving my teens completely, but it’s also exhilarating as well. I just hope my mind matures along with my age, ha.

What’s gone on this week, Captain?

  • I re-joined the blogosphere with a new blog and a welcome post!
  • I list down the top five books I wish were taught in school
  • I reviewed All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill
  • I discussed some of the problems I face when choosing quotes
  • I shared my 7 Deadly Sins of Reading, tagged by Nara
  • The first Sci-Fi Saturday post debuted: learn more about the Hyperloop!

Yeah… my first week back and my blog’s already overflowing with posts. The rest of September’s going to be the same, because I have so many books to review! The hiatus did me some good, but it also put me behind schedule. I regret nothing, though.

Book Updates

Silent Echo: A Siren's Tale Delia's Shadow  The Returned

Finished Silent Echo: A Siren’s Tale by Elisa Freilich
Currently reading Delia’s Shadow by Jaime Lee Moyer
Up next The Returned by Jason Mott

Notable Expeditions

What about you?

How was your first week of September (and, for some of you, first week of school)? Hope everyone’s coping well!

20 thoughts on “Warp Drive Sunday: Sept 1 – Sept 7

  1. Happy Belated Birthday! I feel like I might’ve already told you Happy Birthday but can’t remember. It seems like September is quite a popular month for book blogger birthdays! I LOVED all your posts this past week. They work so well with your theme and it’s so much fun having you back ❤ Of course, now that you're here I'm sort of going MIA but yeah. We still rock 😉 Oh, and because you asked, this first week has been good and bad, but mainly just sickly and I still can't believe TOMORROW I leave for London. Eek!

    • Thanks! 😀 I know – I just found out a couple of other bloggers who have birthdays in September too. But what makes mine special is that it always falls on the day Britain declared war on Germany in WWII. Hopefully you’ll still be around commenting when you can, though, and ugh for getting sick. I got sick a couple of weeks ago and the phlegm hasn’t altogether left my throat yet. 😦

  2. September birthdays rock! Happy (Belated) Birthday! I know exactly how you’re feeling. I turn 16 tomorrow. It still feels kind of strange. I love the headline “Notable Expeditions”. Thanks for mentioning me in the list. I will be sure to check out some of the other posts on there! School has already been hectic. (I’m currently hiding from my massive pile of homework.)

    Great round up! Glad to know that you will be posting more awesome features soon!

  3. Happy belated birthday, Meg! I’ll be turning 22 in February but it still feels like I’m 16 sometimes. I have to stop and think for a second whenever somebody asks me my age, and it still feels wrong to say I’m 21, haha! I hope you had a great day with lots of bookish gifts! 😉

  4. Congrats on turning 16! I’m so glad you’re back blogging, and I love the sci-fi space theme 😀 The three books you’ve read, are currently, and what’s up next look really good cover-wise. They all look so beautiful next to each other!

  5. Happy Belated Birthday, Meg! Don’t think too much about what’s left or not, just enjoy your time! Ooh, I’ve heard great things about The Returned and I can’t wait to see you think of it.

    • Thank you! That sounds legit. 😉 I wish I could, but with major exams coming up I’m forced to think about the future and what I want to study. But with books, one can never be bored, right? It’s pretty okay right now, but I’m not really feeling it. I’m just 7% in, though, so we’ll see. 🙂

  6. Gah! I totally know how you feel. I’m 19 *gasp!* so I’m reaaally close to leaving my teens. It’s kinda scary…
    I really want to read this book boyfriend post Charlotte wrote, curses to the hackers!!
    How is Delia’s Shadow so far by the way?

    • *weeps for both you and I* I know! Hopefully it gets fixed soon. Delia’s Shadow is… interesting, I guess? I don’t know. I’m having mixed feelings about it because it has a really cool premise, but I don’t like the writing style and I’m not feeling much from it. :/

  7. Well, I’m behind onf reviewing books, so I should get my butt off the procrastinate chair and try to gather my thoughts to write a review. Happy belated birthday as well! And I’d join on you on WordPress.com if I wasn’t keeping an eye on Ghost.

    • PROCRASTINATION. I always fall prey to it. That, and laziness. *sniffle* Yeah, I was actually thinking a lot about Ghost, but I figured I couldn’t wait. I can’t wait for it to be released, though, and to see how your new blog will look like. 🙂

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